My constituency question is for the Minister for Water in the other place. What assistance is available from the Allan Labor government to support the important work that is undertaken by the hardworking and dedicated volunteer environmental organisations to conserve the waterways in my electorate? Along the eastern border of the Glen Waverley electorate is Dandenong Creek, a stunning waterway for locals and wildlife in the east of Melbourne. From Jells Park in the south to Koomba Park in the north, this is where the Friends of Dandenong Valley Parklands do incredible work. That is why I am so proud of the volunteer efforts provided by this group, who have protected these parks with regular meet-ups since 1989. They carry decades of wisdom on conservation and community forums that this government wishes to recognise. I fully encourage people to attend a planting day with the Friends of Dandenong Valley Parklands. I cannot think of a more deserving and capable set of green thumbs to look after the waterways in my electorate. I look forward to the minister’s response.
Minister’s Response:
I thank the Member for Glen Waverley for his question. It is always great to hear about the hardworking and dedicated community groups and volunteers leading positive outcomes for our urban parks and waterways. I commend the Member for his strong interest and advocacy for his local community environmental groups.
The Allan Labor Government is committed to supporting communities to protect and improve waterways and catchments, such as through the Allan Labor Government’s $10 million Green Links Grants Program. Green Links supports local revegetation projects along our urban waterways and aims to deliver more than 200 hectares of revegetated land for wildlife to thrive. In February this year we awarded over $6 million to 23 projects spread across communities from the Barwon to Yarra rivers.
On 24 October 2024 I was excited to announce, with the help of the Friends of Scotchmans Creek and Valley Reserve in Mount Waverley, the next round of funding is now open. Round 2 expands on the program’s success to date, with a further $2 million available for projects that target revegetation and associated on-ground works on urban waterways across Victoria. Funding of between $20,000 and $350,000 is available for eligible community and environment groups, schools, Traditional Owner groups, local government, and land or water management agencies. Round 2 will help more community groups, such as the Friends of Dandenong Valley Parklands, to continue their great work in improving the environment on their doorstep.
Positive, community-led action to enhance our waterways is crucial right now so we have these special places for our growing population. Green Links is just one of the ways the Government is investing in improving Victoria’s green and blue spaces for both biodiversity and community.
Since 2022, the Government has invested $315 million across Melbourne as part of the Suburban Parks Program, $13.5 million in the Nature Fund for projects that make a significant difference to the outcomes for biodiversity and threatened species, and in 2022 $4.1 million in funding for Victoria Landcare Groups which supported more than 12,000 volunteers to act for nature through 206 Project Grants and 282 Support Grants.
The Victorian Government is also investing $270 million over the next four years to maintain the health, resilience and enjoyment of Victoria’s waterways, catchments and Country.
I look forward to seeing the new projects that will be funded under Green Links, and the progress these will make to improve urban waterway habitat for communities to enjoy and wildlife to thrive.
Once again, I thank the Member for Glen Waverley for his question.
Hon Harriet Shing MP
Minister for Water