Holmesglen Youth Foyer

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My adjournment matter is directed to the Minister for Housing, and the action I seek is for the minister to join me at the Holmesglen youth foyer in my electorate to meet with the inspiring young Victorians who benefit from this program. I am so thrilled because in the 2024–25 state budget the Allan Labor government is proud to be investing $1.83 million in the Holmesglen youth foyer, which is run in collaboration with Launch Housing and the Brotherhood of St Laurence. It was great back in December to attend the 10th anniversary of this wonderful collaboration between these great organisations. The program provides purpose-built accommodation to young Victorians with lived experience of homelessness. Not only that, it is also co-located with Holmesglen TAFE and combined with wraparound academic and mental health supports. It is about giving vulnerable young Victorians the best start in life with world-class TAFE courses, quality housing and the support they need to make their career and personal aspirations become reality. Words really cannot express just how life-changing the Holmesglen youth foyer is.

As a Labor government we have a fundamental belief in the difference government can make as an agent for positive change. I am so glad for the sake of the vulnerable people across my district that Labor are in government in this state, because we are making meaningful improvements to the lives of Victorians. Funding for the Holmesglen youth foyer is a case in point. It is giving vulnerable young people the best start in life.

With this Friday being IDAHOBIT, I would also like to briefly acknowledge the Holmesglen youth foyer’s focus on supporting LGBTIQA+ young people. In Victoria equality is not negotiable, nor is the right for Victorians to lead their lives with dignity and stability. I am so proud to be a member of the Allan Labor government that is making it a reality and investing in the Glen Waverley community, not just in the Holmesglen youth foyer but also in our major local social housing builds. Dozens and dozens of new social housing homes are being constructed across my community. The housing minister and I recently met with some of my new constituents, and there were tears of joy when they talked about the positive impact our investments into social housing have made. Whether it is funding the Holmesglen youth foyer or the Big Housing Build homes in Whitehorse and Monash, I commend the housing minister for her work, and I look forward to her response.



I thank the Member for Glen Waverley for his question of 15 May 2024, and invitation to visit the Holmesglen Education First Youth Foyer.

I would like to thank the Member for Glen Waverley for his ongoing commitment to supporting vulnerable Victorians, and in particular young people at risk of or experiencing homelessness.

The Allan Labour Government is committed to supporting young people early and breaking the cycle of homelessness through the allocation of over $80 million annually to youth specific servicesThis includes funding for a youth-specific entry point, 22 youth refuges with two women only refuges, two refuges for Aboriginal young people, 10 youth foyers located across metro and regional Victoria, and three Education First Youth Foyers.

In addition, the Allan Labour Government has committed a further $197 million over the next four years through the 2024-25 State Budget. This will provide targeted support to meet critical demand for services, including providing support and accommodation to 40 young people experiencing homelessness through the Holmesglen Education First Youth Foyer.

Education First Youth Foyers like Holmesglen give young people a pathway that every young person deserves – supporting them to live a life they value through housing and access to education and training. 

We know this model is proven and effective, with a 2019 longitudinal study finding substantive improvements in participants’ education, employment, housing, health and wellbeing outcomes.

I commend the Member for Glen Waverley on demonstrating his support for young LGBTIQA+ Victorians and acknowledging the importance of International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersex discrimination and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT). Every Victorian including our LGBTIQA+ communities deserve to live a safe, healthy and meaningful life, with their human rights respected. That is why the 2024-25 State Budget commits $1.55 million to continue the great work of the LGBTIQA+ specialist homelessness service, Pride in Place. Since its launch, Pride in Place has delivered impressive results – with over 570 LGBTIQA+ Victorians experiencing or at risk of homelessness supported with safe housing solutions.  

I look forward to learning more about the Holmesglen Education First Youth Foyer, and how it breaks the cycle of homelessness for vulnerable young people and helps support them on their path of education and employment.

Hon Harriet Shing MP
Minister for Housing

John Mullahy MP
Author: John Mullahy MP

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