Investing in Quality Local Kinder

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My adjournment matter is directed to the Minister for Children in the other place, and the action I seek is for the minister to join me at Brentwood Preschool in my electorate. Brentwood Preschool is one of hundreds across the state that have received a grant from the Allan Labor government to run a bush kinder program in 2024, and it is a terrific win for my youngest constituents, who will be able to access quality outdoor learning opportunities either through programs delivered in offsite nature or by bringing the natural landscapes to the kinder. The evidence tells us that young children learn so much from spending time in nature. That is why we are investing $3.6 million over four years to expand the bush kinder program so more Victorian kids get the opportunity to spend time outdoors in natural settings.

I would also love to use this opportunity to give a shout out to Bambou Early Learning Centre in my electorate, which just like Brentwood preschool, also received a bush kinder grant this year. Just like Brentwood preschool, they also consistently exceed the national quality standard across every benchmark, delivering world-class kinder for local families. I would like to thank all the early childhood educators for the work that they do and the terrific centre director Haritsa for her ongoing passion for early childhood education. It was terrific to visit Bambou ELC to meet with some of the youngest constituents and hand out some of the kinder kits last week. I even had a chance to read some of Where is Galah? – my daughter’s favourite book.

We know that our youngest Victorians deserve a great start in their development and learning, and it is why we are delivering nation-leading Best Start, Best Life reforms right across Victoria. That includes making three- and four-year-old kinders free, saving Victorian parents thousands of dollars per child per year. We are investing in better facilities with the Building Blocks upgrades and the rollout of 50 government-run kindergartens in high-need areas. Plus we are recruiting more world-class early childhood educators and investing in more ongoing training and support to bolster workforce retention. We are witnessing the biggest transformation in the early childhood education system in Victoria’s history, and I am proud to be part of the Allan Labor government, which is making it happen. I look forward to the minister’s response, and I hope she can join me in the Glen Waverley district to celebrate the expansion of the bush kinder program.

Minister’s Response:

I thank the Member for Glen Waverley for his invitation and for his support for early childhood education in his local area. I would also like to congratulate Brentwood Preschool and Bambou Early Learning Centre on their successful application for a bush kinder grant this year. I was delighted to recently visit Brentwood Preschool with you, and to hear about their wonderful bush kinder program.

The Victorian Government’s $14 billion Best Start, Best Life (BSBL) reforms are the most significant change to Victoria’s early childhood sector in a generation. The BSBL reforms are a clear policy commitment to:

  • improve early learning outcomes for Victorian children through quality education programs in the 2 years before school
  • provide greater choice, savings and access for families, including supporting parents and carers to make their own choices about work and study.

As part of this investment, $3.6 million over 4 years is committed to deliver bush kinder programs in 150 kindergartens each year. These $6,000 grants will support more kindergartens to set up nature programs, giving children more opportunity to get outdoors.

Bush kinder programs are early learning educational programs that are regularly delivered outdoors through natural environments, including bush, beaches and parks. Bush kinder programs give children a unique opportunity and freedom to learn through play with natural materials in outdoor environments.

The Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework and the National Quality Framework acknowledge the critical importance of outdoor play for young children’s learning, including physical and cognitive development and wellbeing, and ability to assess risk.

While the grant round for 2023 has now closed, services can apply in 2024, 2025 or 2026, to establish or enhance a bush kinder program as part of their existing kindergarten offering.

Hon Lizzie Blandthorn MP

Deputy Leader of the Government in the Legislative Council
Minister for Children
Minister for Disability

John Mullahy MP
Author: John Mullahy MP

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