Neighbours Set in Glen Waverley District

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My adjournment matter is directed to the Minister for Creative Industries, and the action I seek is for the minister to join me at the filming of Neighbours in my electorate. The Glen Waverley district is proudly home to Neighbours. Ramsay Street, which Neighbours centres on, is Pin Oak Court in Vermont South, and all interior scenes are filmed locally at the FremantleMedia studios nearby. Neighbours began screening on 20 January 1986 and has had over 40 seasons, with 9000 episodes having been filmed. It has been the cornerstone of Australian television for decades, and I am proud to have the production of this famous show in my district.

We know that our vibrant media and creative industries sector is vital to the Victorian economy. Prepandemic it contributed more than $30 billion to our economy and employed 292,000 people. We also know how important this sector is to capturing and enhancing the creative minds of Victorians, and that is why through agencies such as VicScreen we have continued to invest in the potential of Victorians and their proven ability to produce high-quality content. In total VicScreen has provided more than $3 million in production support to Neighbours, generating approximately $208 million in Victorian spend and 3579 project jobs. Further, additional funding was provided to support skills development opportunities, which have seen 39 placements and attachment opportunities created to date. Fans of Neighbours know that the program started re-airing in September of 2023. It was this state government which provided $1 million for production across 2023 and 2024, and this helped get Neighbours back on the air.

I shared the disappointment of many when Neighbours looked to be wrapping up in 2022. I remember being out there at the studios with you, Deputy Speaker. That is why I am so glad to know that the Allan Labor government’s continued investment supported Neighbours getting back on the air. This investment is testament to our commitment to Victoria’s creative arts industry. Backing in our creative arts is good for the economy, good for jobs and good for providing our future generations opportunities to creatively express themselves. Victoria is the creative arts capital of this country, and I am proud to be part of an Allan Labor government which is investing in the future creative talent of our state. I look forward to the minister’s response, and I hope he can join me in the Glen Waverley district to visit Harold, the Kennedys, the Robinsons and of course Toadie on the Neighbours set and to celebrate our government’s continued investment in the creative industries sector.

Ministers Response:

I thank the member for his question and continued advocacy for the Creative Sector in his electorate.

As the member mentions, since its inception in 1985, Neighbours has been loved by millions across Victoria and the world. It’s an iconic Aussie classic, the Allan Labor Government is proud of it’s investment to support its success. ‘

It’s not just Victoria’s continued love for Ramsey Street that has ensured continued Government investment. The Allan Labor Government recognizes the strength of our screen industry, for every dollar invested in Victoria’s film, television and games industry, $13 is delivered back to Victoria in direct economic expenditure.

I look forward to joining the member on set with the Neighbours cast and crew when filming arrangements permit.

The Hon. Colin Brooks MP

Minister for Creative Industries

John Mullahy MP
Author: John Mullahy MP

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