My constituency question is directed to the Minister for Education. Minister, can you outline how the recently completed $10.1 million transformation of Vermont South Special School will ensure students have the learning environment they need to achieve their full potential?
It was terrific to be joined by the Premier at Vermont South Special School just a few weeks ago, where we met with principal Jane Henderson, school council president Tarsh Brusco and school captains Aidan and Eloise. There was plenty to celebrate with the completion of the major $10.1 million upgrade. The new facilities are game changing and will give students the very best start in life.
I am proud to be part of an Allan Labor government that is backing Vermont South Special School and also delivering a major upgrade at every single special school across Victoria.
The future is bright. This weekend Vermont South Special School is celebrating its 50th anniversary, an accomplishment made possible by the wonderful school community, teachers, support staff and families. A big congratulations to them all. I wish the school the very best for the next 50 years with these beautiful new facilities.
Minister’s Response:
I thank the Member for Glen Waverley for his question and for his tireless work within his constituency.
Education is the cornerstone to ensuring that every Victorian child can meet their potential. That is why the Victorian Government has invested $14.9 billion over the past 9 years to build, upgrade and maintain school facilities across Victoria.
In the 2020–21 State Budget, Vermont South Special School received $10.108 million to upgrade and modernise its facilities. This funding provides better and extraordinary access to upgraded and modern facilities across Victoria for every child that needs specialist care and education. This funding provides every child the opportunity to lead the best life possible and the system in place currently will reassure parents that these allocations of money will continue to flow to Victorian government specialist schools.
The school built a new educational wing with all associated landscaping and advanced play areas to assist in specialist learning.
These works are now completed and Vermont South Special School students are utilising these facilities. This funding ensured that schools can teach in modern, permanent learning environments, support those most in need and accommodate growing enrolments.
The Hon. Ben Carroll MP
Deputy Premier
Minister for Education
Minister for Medical Research